Viděl jsem fotku procesoru pro ECN-2 a po první lázni projížděl okolo dvou pomalu se točících houbiček ve tvaru válečků. Takhle to hezky očistilo bázi filmu od remjet vrstvy. A uhličitan sodný (Na2CO3) je trošku něco jiného než hydrogenuhličitan sodný (NaHCO3). To první je soda na praní a poplést s jedlou sodou (to druhé) bych si to nechtěl 
Jinak jsem našel třeba toto:
"Rem-jet is a dispersion of carbon black pigment (lamp black) in cellulose acetate phthalate.
Historically (before 2000ish) the process for removing rem-jet in commercial processors has gone something like this.
PRE-BATH: A short, 30 second, pre-bath (PB2). This includes about 100g/L of sodium sulfate and some amount(?) of borax, with sodium-hydroxide to reach a target pH of 9.2 (this # was given from memory and has the potential to be incorrect, but let's assume it's right). The sodium-sulfate serves a unique purpose; it prevents premature hydrolysis of the rem-jet layer, while the high alkalinity of borax/NaOH destabilizes the cellulose polymer. If the RJ hydrolized in this step, there would be danger of particles making their way to the emulsion side.
WATER JET: A powerful water jets spray the back (and front) of the film to remove the RJ layer. The sodium-sulfate is quickly diluted and no longer restrains hydrolysis; resulting in efficient removal of the RJ layer.
BUFF: A soft, counter-rotating buffer of mohair (for instance) physically removes any remaining RJ."